I created this series to follow intrepid scientists studying the creatures and landscapes that inhabit oceans across the globe. The five episodes of In The Deep drew more than 10 million viewers to stories with an appeal much broader than marine biology, shedding light on alien intelligence, pop culture’s vilification of sharks as well as deep sea ecology and dolphin communication.

I also co-produced the Murrow award-winning first episode, which follows a team of scientists on an expedition in the South Pacific as they study how underwater animals see the world. They take a brand new, one-of-a-kind camera underwater for the first time, to capture images of octopus, cuttlefish and other cephalopods as they camouflage themselves in the blink of an eye. It’s a piece made for video, as each part of the story must be seen to be understood. Meticulous animation explains the vast range of color humans cannot see and video captures the incredible setting, the animals amazing camouflage ability, and the tension and excitement of scientists on a make-or-break research trip.